Johannes Angermuller

Professor of Discourse, Languages and Applied Linguistics

Open University, UK

I have brought an international background in linguistics and sociology to the forefront of discourse research.

An international and interdisciplinary curriculum

My academic journey has placed me at the centre of major strands in Discourse Studies. A product of British, French and German academia, I have intimate knowledge of Europe’s major academic systems and their intellectual traditions. As a result, I have developed a reflexive interest in the ways linguistic practices are embedded in both local and global relations of power.


Studying science and politics

Central to my research is the question how social order is produced and reproduced in meaning-making practices, in contemporary politics as well as among specialised academics. I consider discourse as a dynamic practice of constructing subjectivities under conditions of social inequality.

A commitment to creative research

Drawing on my comprehensive interdisciplinary background, I am critical of disciplinary orthodoxies. Building on qualitative and quantifying methodologies, my research testifies to the creative theoretical articulations in empirical discourse research. I have led large projects in discourse research and the sociology of science.


Get in touch!

This webpage provides you with a pathway to my background, expertise and publications. You may also get an idea of many other developments which have come together in DiscourseNet, the International Association of Discourse Studies, for which I served as the founding president.

Whether you are an academic, a student, or an inquisitive mind, I will be happy to hear from you.

Bien à vous! C уважением! ¡Saludos! Ciao! Herzliche Grüße! Molts records! Regards! Salve! Um abraço!



Careers of the Professoriate
(with Philippe Blanchard)

Professors may appear as specialised individualists in their fields, and yet they follow pathways which are anything but unique. Drawing from a unique data set, the authors analyse the trajectories of the almost 2000 linguists and sociologists who hold full professorships in Germany, France and the UK in 2015.  With a background in social theory, they reveal models, structures and rules that organise the professional lives and biographies of the most senior academics. We present the results of a systematic empirical study, which will be of interest to specialists in higher education studies as well as to linguists and sociologists, and to all academics more generally.

Discourse Studies
The Discourse Studies Reader. Main Currents in Theory and Analysis.
(ed. with Dominique Maingueneau, Ruth Wodak)

Discourse Studies is an interdisciplinary field studying the social production of meaning across the entire spectrum of the social sciences and humanities. The Discourse Studies Reader
brings together 40 key readings from discourse researchers in Europe and North America, some of which are now translated into English for the first time. Divided into seven sections – ‘Theoretical Inspirations: Structuralism versus Pragmatics’, ‘From Structuralism to Poststructuralism’, ‘Enunciative Pragmatics’, ‘Interactionism’, ‘Sociopragmatics’, ‘Historical Knowledge’ and ‘Critical Approaches’.


Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis

French thinkers, such as Lacan, Althusser, Foucault and Derrida, have been widely perceived as theorists of the linguistic turn. Yet, the linguistic and semiotic traditions which informed the theoretical imagination of these theorists so decisively have hardly been accounted for outside French linguistics. This book presents past and present developments in French linguistics and discourse analysis, while also paying special attention to the development of enunciative pragmatics, which hinges on the discursive construction of subjectivity.


Why Is There No Poststructuralism in France

“Poststructuralism” designates theoretical and political debates in the social sciences and humanities that have crucially contributed to the growing interdisciplinary interest in the problem of discourse since the 1970s. Poststructuralism is typically associated with intellectuals from France and theorists from the Anglo-American world who are in dialogue with “Continental” traditions.